The situation in Egypt is very unstable. Mubarek is old and sick and his sons are reported to have just defected to the U.K. with the rest of his family.The Tunisian example makes all regimes unstable and the people, largely young, suffer from umemployment and food shortages. Just as in the Iranian Revolution, a revolution that started off secular is likely to transmute into a religious revolution with the Muslim Brotherhood a clear winner, as were the mullahs in Iran in 1979. Obama is likely, as did Carter, to stay hands off as radical elements take over. Support for El Baradej might do some good if the CIA is on top of the situation ( which, unfortunately, they probably are not.) Obama's position is inconsistent and, amazingly, so far wrong. A year ago, there was a potential revolution in Iran and Obama pissed away the opportunity to endorse it. It was a dominated decision for anyone but an Obama because the regime in power is unalterably hostile to our interests so ANY CHANGE would have been for the better. So Obama endorses the status quo. There was no downside because, even had the wrong side won ( as it did anyway ), those against the mullahs would have remembered and thought they could on the U.S. (Reagan supported the Solidarity Movement in Poland at a speech but then got shot immediately thereafter so it was forgotten...except by Lech Walesa who subsequently said that he drew great support from Reagan's words. ) Carter undermined the Shah and boosted the Ayatollah, without knowing that Iran was going from the frying pan into the fire. Obama should act gingerly until he knows ( assuming his "people" know and that they can convince him ) who is going to replace Mubarek. The difference between Egypt now and Iran a year ago is that Mubarek is presently an ally and the Ahmadinejad was ( and is ) definitely NOT.
It is reflexive but stupid for Obama and Clinton to urge Egypt to reconnect the internet and social networks that were instrumental in spreading the Iranian revolt of a year ago.
The price of oil is likely to go up both because of unrest among oil-producing countries but also because the Suez Canal is at risk. Oil producers well outside the region of instability are likely to profit, provided they can expand their production. This excludes American domestic producers who are hampered by the Obama administration, itself. More promising by far is PBR and STO, the national oil companies of Brazil and Norway, respectively. Other forms of available energy ( i.e. not the blue sky versions of Obamamians ) like coal and natural gas should benefit since they are expandable.
Gold and silver are likely to benefit from the uncertainty as are agricultural commodities because of the food shortages and threat to transportation through the Suez.US aid to Egypt has been largely to aid the military ( which is peculiar given that it is likely directed against Israel with whom the US has counted on Egypt maintaining peace. ) Aid should be redirected to food and consumer goods that might mitigate complaints. Ironically, it might be Bernanke whose policies have exported inflation to other countries resulting in rising food prices in Egypt and other places.
If, as is likely, the Muslim Brotherhood achieves power ( or, at least, great influence ) peace between Egypt and Israel is threatened and more military aid ( albeit not, one hopes, for Egypt ) will be required. That means defense companies will get increased business at least for those things that don't involve American military personnel but, rather, materiEl that will have to be supplied to Israel and other allies in the MidEast with Turkey being a potential hotspot, probably more critical than Egypt because its government has already turned Islamist.
Oil is going 'way up; probably gold as well since inflation will spike all over.Domestic American oil companies will still be hobbled by the environuts of the Obama administration.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
It ain't all the things you don't know; it's all the things you know that ain't so.
Resisting climate hysteria by Richard Lindzen
****The effects of politically-motivated junk science are not benign.Environmentalist nuts have prevented the construction of dams that would have palliated the flooding in Queensland, Australia and the changing of levees that would have reduced the effects of Katrina in New Orleans. Also, vaccines do NOT cause autism in children but many children were denied vaccination while the false claims had to be dealt with.What accounts for the Left's embracing of all this folly? Perhaps it's a desire to save the world by endorsing some simplistic position that makes them feel useful without the necessity of actually learning scientific method and the humility that comes with it. It is the certainty of religious faith that stokes fervor.For professional scientists, going along with nonsense is lamentably due to the desire for notoriety and grant money that causes them to endorse positions that are unsustainable by actual science.The politicization of science is quite dangerous because remediation of natural disasters is often precluded.****
Resisting climate hysteria by Richard Lindzen
****The effects of politically-motivated junk science are not benign.Environmentalist nuts have prevented the construction of dams that would have palliated the flooding in Queensland, Australia and the changing of levees that would have reduced the effects of Katrina in New Orleans. Also, vaccines do NOT cause autism in children but many children were denied vaccination while the false claims had to be dealt with.What accounts for the Left's embracing of all this folly? Perhaps it's a desire to save the world by endorsing some simplistic position that makes them feel useful without the necessity of actually learning scientific method and the humility that comes with it. It is the certainty of religious faith that stokes fervor.For professional scientists, going along with nonsense is lamentably due to the desire for notoriety and grant money that causes them to endorse positions that are unsustainable by actual science.The politicization of science is quite dangerous because remediation of natural disasters is often precluded.****
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Muslims and Truth: not much overlap
Muslims and Truth - Benny Morris
In the wake of the New Year's Day bombing outside the church in Alexandria, Egypt, in which 23 Coptic Christians were murdered, Sheikh Muhammad Rashid Qabbani, Lebanon's Grand Mufti, immediately announced: "This not an individual internal Egyptian act, but a criminal act with Zionist...fingerprints." A spokesman for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Munim Abu al Fattouh Abdel, said: It could not have been Egyptians. Perhaps it was the Mossad. Iranian TV put it: "It goes without saying that no Muslim...will ever commit such an inhuman act."
This raises a serious question. What are the bounds of credulity in the mendacity-ridden Muslim societies of the Middle East? Is there no limit to what the infidel can be accused of - and to the expectation that the charge will stick? Which raises the still more profound question: What are the long-term prospects for peaceful cohabitation on planet Earth between us in the West and these Muslim societies in which truth has absolutely no traction or importance, where the masses believe that the CIA or the Mossad knocked down the Twin Towers on 9/11? (National Interest)
In the wake of the New Year's Day bombing outside the church in Alexandria, Egypt, in which 23 Coptic Christians were murdered, Sheikh Muhammad Rashid Qabbani, Lebanon's Grand Mufti, immediately announced: "This not an individual internal Egyptian act, but a criminal act with Zionist...fingerprints." A spokesman for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Munim Abu al Fattouh Abdel, said: It could not have been Egyptians. Perhaps it was the Mossad. Iranian TV put it: "It goes without saying that no Muslim...will ever commit such an inhuman act."
This raises a serious question. What are the bounds of credulity in the mendacity-ridden Muslim societies of the Middle East? Is there no limit to what the infidel can be accused of - and to the expectation that the charge will stick? Which raises the still more profound question: What are the long-term prospects for peaceful cohabitation on planet Earth between us in the West and these Muslim societies in which truth has absolutely no traction or importance, where the masses believe that the CIA or the Mossad knocked down the Twin Towers on 9/11? (National Interest)
Monday, January 10, 2011
Despite their protestations, it's the Left that owns violence.
****There are two Leftist precepts that they trot out repeatedly: 1) Accuse others of the things you know to be true of yourself; 2) The RAHMANTRA: Don' let a crisis go to waste. Amidst the phony accusations, one might well ask: Is the far left-wing Daily Kos to blame for instigating the murders in Tucson?****
Is Daily Kos to blame for Gifford attack?
Rick Moran
There's no link to the diary entry at Daily Kos that is described in this posting from Hillbuzz. That's because Kos scrubbed it. Thankfully, several bloggers were able to capture screen shots of the post that used the word "dead" in relation to Rep. Giffords several times.
Diary headline: "My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!" There are also several references to "dead" in the comment thread.
All of it now deleted - something Kos does on a regular basis when he wishes to change history. Kos also seems to have forgotten a posting of his calling for putting a "bullseye" on Giffords' district. The New York Times insinuated something about Sarah Palin's use of crosshairs in connection with the shooting, but so far as we have noticed, has not mentioned leftist violent rhetoiric and imagery...
****Now, of course we don't really blame DK for causing the murders but it points up the utter hypocrisy of Paul Krugman, the NYTimes, Sen Durbin,and many others of the left-wing hysteriate trying to blame Tea Partiers or Republicans or the right-wing for instigating the murders. It just happens that the loon who committed the crimes is characterized by an acquaintance as a "left-wing pothead" and self-described as admiring The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. Not yet mentioned is the fact that Cong. Giffords is Jewish and most American anti-Semitism comes from the Left (e.g. Jimmy Carter, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Cynthia McKinney, Baghdad Jim McDermott, James Traficant, Keith Ellison et al); Mein Kampf might have some relevance here.****
The Left, Not the Right, Owns Political Violence By Michael Filozof
It took less than 24 hours for the political left to seize upon the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the murder of six people on Saturday to blame the political right for the shooting.
Perhaps the most egregious example came from Paul Krugman of the New York Times, who wrote, "We don't have proof yet that this was political, but the odds are that it was." (The newspaper that published plagiarized and fabricated accounts of the "D.C. sniper" by affirmative-action hire Jayson Blair in 2003 is still publishing unsubstantiated suppositions without "proof," eh?)...
Is Daily Kos to blame for Gifford attack?
Rick Moran
There's no link to the diary entry at Daily Kos that is described in this posting from Hillbuzz. That's because Kos scrubbed it. Thankfully, several bloggers were able to capture screen shots of the post that used the word "dead" in relation to Rep. Giffords several times.
Diary headline: "My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!" There are also several references to "dead" in the comment thread.
All of it now deleted - something Kos does on a regular basis when he wishes to change history. Kos also seems to have forgotten a posting of his calling for putting a "bullseye" on Giffords' district. The New York Times insinuated something about Sarah Palin's use of crosshairs in connection with the shooting, but so far as we have noticed, has not mentioned leftist violent rhetoiric and imagery...
****Now, of course we don't really blame DK for causing the murders but it points up the utter hypocrisy of Paul Krugman, the NYTimes, Sen Durbin,and many others of the left-wing hysteriate trying to blame Tea Partiers or Republicans or the right-wing for instigating the murders. It just happens that the loon who committed the crimes is characterized by an acquaintance as a "left-wing pothead" and self-described as admiring The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. Not yet mentioned is the fact that Cong. Giffords is Jewish and most American anti-Semitism comes from the Left (e.g. Jimmy Carter, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Cynthia McKinney, Baghdad Jim McDermott, James Traficant, Keith Ellison et al); Mein Kampf might have some relevance here.****
The Left, Not the Right, Owns Political Violence By Michael Filozof
It took less than 24 hours for the political left to seize upon the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the murder of six people on Saturday to blame the political right for the shooting.
Perhaps the most egregious example came from Paul Krugman of the New York Times, who wrote, "We don't have proof yet that this was political, but the odds are that it was." (The newspaper that published plagiarized and fabricated accounts of the "D.C. sniper" by affirmative-action hire Jayson Blair in 2003 is still publishing unsubstantiated suppositions without "proof," eh?)...
The 0.22 caliber solution, not great but best.
The horrendous shooting in Tucson has some lessons, one perhaps counterintuitive. After shooting 19 people, the gunman was incapacitated by three heroes. A 61-year old woman grabbed his empty magazine and also the full one he was trying to reload. Another bystander tackled the gunman, joined by a third person who heard the commotion and ran over to help (toward the sound of gunfire rather than the perhaps more circumspect direction away). The last hero was armed ( covered carry being legal in Arizona ) and said that he would have shot the gunman had it been necessary but was happy that it wasn't since he was able to assist in the takedown.
Of course, there are the reflexive calls from the kneejerk Left for banning guns. There are several responses to this: 1) the gunman was known in some quarters to be mentally unstable and should have been prevented from purchasing a handgun, let alone the extended magazine, under PRESENT Federal law. 2) No law is going to suffice to keep guns away from criminals. Gun laws only suffice to keep guns away from ordinary citizens, usually the victims. 3) While Arizona has liberal gun laws ( and Congresswoman Giffords was a proponent of the Second Amendment ), no-one in the immediate crowd was armed.
Rather than limit gun ownership, it should be encouraged in the following way. Every citizen volunteer who can pass a legitimate and rigorous background check (possibly involving some quasi-deputization )should be encouraged to carry a small 0.22 caliber weapon after appropriate training. It's hard for a single person to do multiple lethal damage with such a weapon. A hail of bullets from several such weapons, however, should be enough to bring down an illegitimate gunman once he has identified himself as such. While this suggestion is not a panacea and wouldn't in all likelihood have prevented the "first-strike" shooting of Cong. Giffords, it likely would have prevented, or at least ameliorated, the shooting of 18 other people.Knowledge of the likely certainty of such a result might even provide an extra deterrent for even a first striker.
Mass public killings are fortunately rare but in many such cases, the extent of the killings would dramatically have been palliated by this policy. In the Virginia Tech shootings, also done by known loon who should never have been allowed to purchase a gun under PRESENT law, one of the bystanders had a weapon in his car but couldn't reach it in time since the school policy was to ban weapons from the campus, a stricture obviously not likely to be followed by either a crazy person or a criminal.In the V-Tech case, the shooter wasn't even stopped at the crime scene and had to be apprehended later. Without distance weapons, it takes extraordinary heroism to stop such a shooter before armed security people can arrive.
Of course, there are the reflexive calls from the kneejerk Left for banning guns. There are several responses to this: 1) the gunman was known in some quarters to be mentally unstable and should have been prevented from purchasing a handgun, let alone the extended magazine, under PRESENT Federal law. 2) No law is going to suffice to keep guns away from criminals. Gun laws only suffice to keep guns away from ordinary citizens, usually the victims. 3) While Arizona has liberal gun laws ( and Congresswoman Giffords was a proponent of the Second Amendment ), no-one in the immediate crowd was armed.
Rather than limit gun ownership, it should be encouraged in the following way. Every citizen volunteer who can pass a legitimate and rigorous background check (possibly involving some quasi-deputization )should be encouraged to carry a small 0.22 caliber weapon after appropriate training. It's hard for a single person to do multiple lethal damage with such a weapon. A hail of bullets from several such weapons, however, should be enough to bring down an illegitimate gunman once he has identified himself as such. While this suggestion is not a panacea and wouldn't in all likelihood have prevented the "first-strike" shooting of Cong. Giffords, it likely would have prevented, or at least ameliorated, the shooting of 18 other people.Knowledge of the likely certainty of such a result might even provide an extra deterrent for even a first striker.
Mass public killings are fortunately rare but in many such cases, the extent of the killings would dramatically have been palliated by this policy. In the Virginia Tech shootings, also done by known loon who should never have been allowed to purchase a gun under PRESENT law, one of the bystanders had a weapon in his car but couldn't reach it in time since the school policy was to ban weapons from the campus, a stricture obviously not likely to be followed by either a crazy person or a criminal.In the V-Tech case, the shooter wasn't even stopped at the crime scene and had to be apprehended later. Without distance weapons, it takes extraordinary heroism to stop such a shooter before armed security people can arrive.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Tawfik Hamid on The Real Reasons Behind the Arab-Israeli Conflict
The Real Reasons Behind the Arab-Israeli Conflict By Tawfik Hamid
...Despite peace treaties such as the Oslo Accords, hatred toward Jews and Israel has risen to unprecedented levels in the Palestinian areas and continues to rise in much of the Muslim world...Israel proved its dedication to peace when it withdrew from Sinai, Lebanon, and Gaza in hope of peace with its neighbors...What perpetuates the stalemate? One ..Palestinians do not accept the existence of Israel...their participation in negotiations is fake, hypocritical, and doomed to fail. It is impossible to negotiate with a partner about borders if this partner does not accept your existence to begin the selfish mentality of the Palestinian leadership....True leaders must be ready to make concessions to ensure a better life for their the international community's naive belief that less radical Palestinians are “moderates.” Fatah is not much different from Hamas in its refusal to accept that Israel is an established country ...Fatah is also virtually identical to Hamas with regard to its promotion of extreme anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propagandist that the Palestinian leadership prefers to live — and to make their population live — in delusions rather than in reality. Just recently, an official Palestinian report claimed that a key Jewish holy site — Jerusalem's Western Wall — has no religious significance to Jews... impossible to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict if the Palestinian leaders insist on living in such delusions ...fifth that the Palestinians of Gaza who elected Hamas have not had to pay the price for their choice....Allowing Palestinians to see that Hamas is unable to fulfill its promises would weaken radical Islam in the area. European and American economic support for Gaza...masks the realities of the radical group's poor governance and enables them to survive.
With Hamas still strong,...their version of Islamic doctrine forbids any accommodation with the Jewish state.
What about Israel's role in the stalemate? What mistake does Israel continue to make?
...inhibiting progress has been insufficient use by Israel of negative consequences, perhaps in part because their American and European "allies" would balk at such tactics....until Fatah and Hamas accept the minimal principles necessary for Israel to participate in any further negotiations. These principles would include:
1. Declaration of the right of the Jewish state of Israel to exist;
2. Cessation of both verbal incitement and physical violence against Israeli civilians and;
3. Implementation of all previous agreements between Palestinians and Israelis.
Lastly, what of America's role? Blaming Israel for Palestinian hostility is counterproductive....Concrete evidence shows that unilateral concessions from the Israeli side without significant concessions from the Palestinian side are counterproductive.
Unfortunately, given the mentality of the Palestinian leadership, a strategy by Israel and its allies of negative consequences is probably the only strategy with potential to, at last, give peace a chance.
The Real Reasons Behind the Arab-Israeli Conflict By Tawfik Hamid
...Despite peace treaties such as the Oslo Accords, hatred toward Jews and Israel has risen to unprecedented levels in the Palestinian areas and continues to rise in much of the Muslim world...Israel proved its dedication to peace when it withdrew from Sinai, Lebanon, and Gaza in hope of peace with its neighbors...What perpetuates the stalemate? One ..Palestinians do not accept the existence of Israel...their participation in negotiations is fake, hypocritical, and doomed to fail. It is impossible to negotiate with a partner about borders if this partner does not accept your existence to begin the selfish mentality of the Palestinian leadership....True leaders must be ready to make concessions to ensure a better life for their the international community's naive belief that less radical Palestinians are “moderates.” Fatah is not much different from Hamas in its refusal to accept that Israel is an established country ...Fatah is also virtually identical to Hamas with regard to its promotion of extreme anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propagandist that the Palestinian leadership prefers to live — and to make their population live — in delusions rather than in reality. Just recently, an official Palestinian report claimed that a key Jewish holy site — Jerusalem's Western Wall — has no religious significance to Jews... impossible to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict if the Palestinian leaders insist on living in such delusions ...fifth that the Palestinians of Gaza who elected Hamas have not had to pay the price for their choice....Allowing Palestinians to see that Hamas is unable to fulfill its promises would weaken radical Islam in the area. European and American economic support for Gaza...masks the realities of the radical group's poor governance and enables them to survive.
With Hamas still strong,...their version of Islamic doctrine forbids any accommodation with the Jewish state.
What about Israel's role in the stalemate? What mistake does Israel continue to make?
...inhibiting progress has been insufficient use by Israel of negative consequences, perhaps in part because their American and European "allies" would balk at such tactics....until Fatah and Hamas accept the minimal principles necessary for Israel to participate in any further negotiations. These principles would include:
1. Declaration of the right of the Jewish state of Israel to exist;
2. Cessation of both verbal incitement and physical violence against Israeli civilians and;
3. Implementation of all previous agreements between Palestinians and Israelis.
Lastly, what of America's role? Blaming Israel for Palestinian hostility is counterproductive....Concrete evidence shows that unilateral concessions from the Israeli side without significant concessions from the Palestinian side are counterproductive.
Unfortunately, given the mentality of the Palestinian leadership, a strategy by Israel and its allies of negative consequences is probably the only strategy with potential to, at last, give peace a chance.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Do liberals even understand what patriotism IS?
"Cosmopolitan critics, men who are the friends of every country save their own."
-Benjamin Disraeli
Oikophobia Why the liberal elite finds Americans revolting.
-Benjamin Disraeli
Oikophobia Why the liberal elite finds Americans revolting.
NYC sanitation workers strike during 20"snowfall
A mere 20" of snow brought New York to its knees because 10% of sanitation workers didn't show up for work (undisputed fact) and (reportedly) the New York Post said that the union advised workers to slow down, skip streets, etc and that supervisors would not "write them up." The union unhappiness is over budget cuts resulting in less over-time and fewer promotions to supervisor.
If there is a dispute between two parties (e.g. Bloomberg and the union ) and someone willfully targets innocent bystanders not directly part of the dispute, it is clearly an act of terrorism. The fact that deaths resulted merely reinforces the point.
Napolitano and Holder should take note ( if they cared about terrorism, that is.)
It was Calvin Coolidge who first insisted that "there is no strike against the public good." Where is old Cal when he is needed? Public service employees can NOT be allowed to strike.
If there is a dispute between two parties (e.g. Bloomberg and the union ) and someone willfully targets innocent bystanders not directly part of the dispute, it is clearly an act of terrorism. The fact that deaths resulted merely reinforces the point.
Napolitano and Holder should take note ( if they cared about terrorism, that is.)
It was Calvin Coolidge who first insisted that "there is no strike against the public good." Where is old Cal when he is needed? Public service employees can NOT be allowed to strike.
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